Tell City Officials: I Support Safe, Connected Bikeways in Algiers

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To City Officials,

I support the Moving New Orleans ‘low-stress’ bikeway network that has been built in Algiers. I am thankful to have more safe and active streets connecting my neighborhood to nearby parks, shopping areas, schools, the newly extended Mississippi River levee trail, ferry terminals, friends in other neighborhoods, bars and restaurants, jobs and opportunities.

The protected bikeways, high-visibility crosswalks, repaired sidewalks and new traffic signals bring more safety and less stress to Algiers streets, benefiting the entire community -- people walking, biking, driving and riding public transit. I ask for City Council and City Officials to not remove the protected bike lanes along MacArthur Boulevard and Newton Street, and continue to work to protect vulnerable road users in Algiers. 

Thank you for moving our community forward by constructing these Complete Streets improvements for the benefit of Algiers and the entire New Orleans community.

371 signatures

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