Help us create a connected, protected transportation network in downtown New Orleans. Opening this September!
Bike Easy and a wide-ranging coalition of partners are working together to bring to life a vision of our city in which vastly more locals can get around town by biking, walking, and riding transit. This September, you'll be able to travel to and through the French Quarter and Central Business District on your way to work, the store, or to meet friends -- walking across new crosswalk murals, riding on prioritized bus routes, or biking on a series of protected bikeways featuring physical barriers keeping you safe from automobile traffic. This will be a demonstration project scheduled to stay in operation for three months.
Volunteers are crucial to making 'Connect the Crescent' a success. There are many ways to get involved -- door to door community outreach, speaking with business owners, being on a team helping with installation -- so sign up today!
> Canvassing - Join us as we reach out to homes and businesses along the bikeway corridors in and around downtown. We'll be handing out promotional information and surveying residents on their biking and transportation habits and priorities.
> Installation - We'll need volunteers to paint lines and stencils in bikeways, put up wayfinding signs, set up traffic cones and barricades, and various other logistical needs.
*Interested in volunteering as a group with your business or organization, please contact Virginia Brisley - [email protected]