Access the Adventure you want below.
Click on a button to download an Adventure Clue Card and challenge yourself to develop your own route.
Click on a map to get a suggested route for the Adventure in the Ride Spot app by our friends at People for Bikes.
You can complete part of one Adventure or do them all - up to you!
Unlike the other Adventures that have you look for clues in specific locations, the Family Adventure is flexible and can work at any park near you. Enjoy the hunt!
Complete at a park near you Distance: Up to you!
All of the other adventures below take you to specific locations throughout the region, covering anywhere from 10 to 25 miles. The Family Adventure is a more traditional scavenger hunt that can be pursued with kid-friendly distances at any park near you. See how many items the kids can find!
Where? New Orleans - East Bank Distance: 10-15 miles
Where? New Orleans - East Bank Distance: 20-25 miles
Where? New Orleans - West Bank Distance: 20-25 miles
Where? New Orleans - East Bank Distance: 20-25 miles
If you want to learn more about these stops - Visit Nola to Angola |
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