Let Mayor LaToya Cantrell know you support safe, accessible biking and walking for everyone in New Orleans!


Every neighborhood of New Orleans should be equipped with accessible crosswalks and sidewalks, seated and shaded bus stops, and bikeways that are protected and connected to jobs, schools, parks, and other neighborhoods. With a data-driven and equity-focused Complete Streets policy, New Orleans will improve it's community health, job access, roadway safety, economic competitiveness, and the long-term sustainability of our environment.

Add your name below to join the call for streets that are built to share for everyone in New Orleans!


Petition Text

Dear Mayor LaToya Cantrell - 

City Hall on the Connect the Crescent

I believe deeply that biking and walking benefits our community. A strong Complete Streets policy at the heart of how we rebuild our roadways will improve health equity, the local economy, our neighborhoods’ quality of life, the resilience of our local environment, and the safety of all our citizens.

Increasing the ease of biking, walking, with improved transit services leads to less air pollutants, reducing a hazard for those with asthma and other lung diseases. Providing an array of affordable transportation options in low-income neighborhoods reduces health disparities and costs for families. Commuting by bike leads to workers taking fewer sick days and local businesses often see improved sales with the introduction of bike lanes and traffic calming measures.

When bikers, walkers, safety for children, the elderly, and disabled are accounted for in street designs, more people gain the ability to get out and move freely throughout their community. Biking and walking infrastructure has been shown to increase economic vitality, attract more young residents, and is vital to increasing access and equity. Streets built to be shared are essential to extending equity to every New Orleans citizen. With so many residents without reliable access to a motor vehicle, improved mobility options means more of us will be able to access jobs, parks, schools, and healthy food.

Our streets are also the public spaces we rely on most in times of crisis, such as the ever-present threat of flooding. Ensuring residents can safely travel during and after instances of moderate to severe rainfall is of critical importance. Permeable paving, bioswales in our neutral grounds, and similar practices will reduce flooding and damage to property. Trees and native plants create shade to cool our streets, making them more comfortable for biking, walking, while reducing heat-related stress and illness.

With the surge in infrastructure investment underway in New Orleans, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve  residents' safety and ease of traveling their city. In doing so we will bolster our economy, our health, our environment, and our quality-of-life. Please act with urgency to strengthen the Complete Streets policy of the City of New Orleans, creating communities where streets are built to be shared by all.

Thank you!


382 signatures

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  • Holly Dollinger
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-07-11 10:31:30 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • debra dampier
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-07-11 08:32:17 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Haley Steward
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-06-20 10:09:46 -0500
    Support safe, accessible biking & walking in New Orleans!
  • Chris Cedars
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-06-11 23:03:07 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Caitlin Cooper
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-30 15:55:34 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Caitlin Cooper
    @covingtoncat73 tweeted link to this page. 2018-05-30 15:55:25 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking https://bikeeasy.nationbuilder.com/latoya_cs_petition?recruiter_id=117
  • Marty Oramous
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-30 11:53:30 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Les Leathem
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-24 13:12:32 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Jeremy Brown
    @jtabrown tweeted link to this page. 2018-05-24 13:12:31 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking https://bikeeasy.nationbuilder.com/latoya_cs_petition?recruiter_id=10478
  • Caitlin Cooper
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-16 11:41:33 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Caitlin Cooper
    @covingtoncat73 tweeted link to this page. 2018-05-16 11:41:30 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking https://bikeeasy.nationbuilder.com/latoya_cs_petition?recruiter_id=117
  • Lillie Fleury
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-15 21:13:57 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Amanda Goumas
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-14 15:40:09 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Amanda Goumas
    @AGoumas tweeted link to this page. 2018-05-14 15:40:05 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking https://bikeeasy.nationbuilder.com/latoya_cs_petition?recruiter_id=22351
  • Sanjay Kharod
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-10 21:19:12 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Heather Haylett
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-10 16:22:37 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Denise Berthiaume
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-09 15:55:56 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Joshua MacKeen
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-09 15:11:42 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell the new mayor of New Orleans you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • David Meza
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-09 14:48:04 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Bah Bevans
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-08 13:23:59 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Bah Bevans
    @bahbevans tweeted link to this page. 2018-05-08 13:23:57 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking https://bikeeasy.nationbuilder.com/latoya_cs_petition?recruiter_id=19400
  • Paula Amico
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-08 13:12:14 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Stephanie Tokarz
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-08 10:14:21 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Daniel Weiner
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-08 09:35:26 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Ben Luongo
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-08 08:14:43 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Elizabeth Plater Cropp
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-08 06:23:40 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Elizabeth Plater Cropp
    @epcropp tweeted link to this page. 2018-05-08 06:23:37 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking https://bikeeasy.nationbuilder.com/latoya_cs_petition?recruiter_id=1225
  • Justin Smith
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-07 23:06:59 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Will Scott
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-05-07 19:49:17 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking
  • Will Scott
    @w2scott tweeted link to this page. 2018-05-07 19:49:15 -0500
    Sign the petition: Tell our new mayor you support safe, accessible biking & walking https://bikeeasy.nationbuilder.com/latoya_cs_petition?recruiter_id=6892