Keep Rollin'
Yes! I want to sponsor a bundle for my business or a fellow local business!
200.00 - Beginner Bundle - Includes: Hex Wrench Set Metric - Chain Tool - Clean Brush - Multi-head Screwdriver - Adjustable crescent wrench, small -
Adjustable crescent wrench, large - Multi-size Spoke Wrench - Chain repair links/ spare chain - Various zip ties - Bungee cords - Bike Oil/ lubricant - Disposable gloves - Spare tube, narrow 700c - Spare tube, wider 700c - Spare tube, narrow 26in - Spare tube, wider 26in - Patch Kit - Tire Pump (w/ both fittings and a gauge) - Extra Light Rear - Extra Light Front - Helmet - Pant leg strap - Sunglasses - Rain poncho
350.00 - Plus Bundle - Includes: Same as Beginner Bundle PLUS a couple shirts from your local non-profit AND a Lunch and Learn session for your Staff